We'll leave the light on for you.

Lots of houses in my neighborhood have front porches. Big porches. And a lot of them will have a lamp on the porch even if they have a porch light attached to the house. I thought this was a bit odd when I first moved in, but now I think it is extremely charming.

I have been on the lookout for a lamp for my porch. A couple of weeks ago I spotted one at the new thrift store. So last weekend, I bought it.

I love the softly scuffed little stars all over it. It would really be sweet in a guest room, but I'm overrun with lamps inside.

It gives off such a warm, cozy glow. I'm looking forward to spending some warm nights sitting on the porch.

On my way back from the grocery the other night, I was almost home when I started counting lamps on porches. Seven. That's a lot of lamps in a short distance.

Now mine makes eight!


I love the lamp. And I love the idea of porch lamps.
ladydi said…
Dropping in by way of Ric-Rac's comment box. I LOVE the tree quilt in your photo. Did you design it yourself, or use a pattern? Do you mind if I borrow your idea and try to make a similar quilt?
House and land said…
The lamp is absolutely beautiful. I like the cozy look that it makes.