Drumroll, please...
We have a winner!
And just who is commenter #23?
It's DaisyChain who said...
"Really like the colours on your Aunt Donna quilt.
Would love a chance to win the giveaway.
I haven't worked with diamonds so far."
Well, Ms. Daisy, congratulations!
You get your chance to work with diamonds!
Be sure to e-mail me your mailing address and
I'll get these out to you next week.
Thanks to everyone who left such lovely comments for the giveaway. If it was your first visit to the Pipkin House, I hope you drop in again some time.
And just who is commenter #23?
It's DaisyChain who said...
"Really like the colours on your Aunt Donna quilt.
Would love a chance to win the giveaway.
I haven't worked with diamonds so far."
Well, Ms. Daisy, congratulations!
You get your chance to work with diamonds!
Be sure to e-mail me your mailing address and
I'll get these out to you next week.
Thanks to everyone who left such lovely comments for the giveaway. If it was your first visit to the Pipkin House, I hope you drop in again some time.